Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Drop Everything And Read

Drop Everything And Read
Donnetta Norris

Educators definitely do not work a 40 hours work week.  At least, I don't. During the year, I give my all to my students and their needs, planning and implementing effective lessons, serving on school committees, and collaborating with my team and school staff. That's just during the school day. At night, at home, on what should be on my personal time, I give more of myself to responsibilities that sometimes cannot be or don't get completed during the work day.

It is for these reasons that I often find it hard to sit down and enjoy reading for pleasure when school is in. I love to read, but I find in hard to take my focus away from school and family responsibilities.

Now that it is summer, I have been intentional at making the time to read as much as I can. I even got reacquainted with my local library.

A couple of professional development reads have given me insight into creating and cultivating a climate and culture in my classroom and my school that demonstrates to our students that they are the most important people.

I have been exposed to a plethora of mentor texts that can be used to improve my writing and my teaching of writing.  I have been given permission to steal writing, encouraged to empower girls, and to hack discipline. I learned that one drop of kindness really does make a difference, and I can't wait to play math games at recess.

I am excited to be on summer break, but I am enjoying getting ready for next school year, as well.

Professional Development

Mentor Texts


  1. I could relate with the busy feeling of the first paragraph. I am glad you find the time to read during the summer. You have great stacks of books.

  2. I love anytime I can take a peek at a book stack. Isn't We Are Grateful a wonderful book? I need to read The Seasons of Styx Malone. And now I'm off to sneak in a walk and read a few picture books.

    1. Ramon, The Season of Styx Malone is an amazing story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book.
