Sunday, March 13, 2022

What to Write About - Day 13 - SOL 2022

I have been sitting here staring at the screen, staring at my pen collection, just staring...unable to think of anything about which to write. It's not like stuff isn't happening in my life.

My daughter arrived safely home after a 3 hour drive from Austin. 
She will be staying here with her brother for the week while I am in Vegas.
I went to church and heard an outstanding message about remembering who and whose I am...
my identity in Christ.

My son is out with his best friend doing what he loves...

My dog was neutered on Thursday and appears to be healing well. 
Despite having to wear the cone of shame, he is almost back to his normal self.

Tomorrow officially starts my Spring Break. So grateful for the time off. 
Though, I'd rather be at home.

I guess I just needed to start writing in order to have something about which to write.


  1. I was in a similar position Friday night, and I started listing off thoughts I was having. An effective way to unblock the writing brain! Enjoy your break!

  2. I was with you through every phrase and line knowing what it feels like to struggle in this March month of writing! Each of these images conjures a story and I stayed with the line, "Though, I'd rather be home." Me too.

  3. Your last line is so true! That's what's been happening to me. Until I sit down to write, I have no clue what will happen. Just getting it out is everything. Love the line about your dog.

  4. It was generous of you to invite us into your thought process . . . writing daily is definitely an exercise in every sense.

  5. Like Jackie said, thanks for this post. It's interesting to see how people decide what to write! Have a great trip, Donnetta.
