Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Writer's Block - March 6 2024 - SOLSC24

 Writer's Block

    I heard a famous poet by the name of Carlos Andres Gomez once say something like, "I don't believe in writer's block. I think writer's block is my fear of writing crap." Carlos was the keynote speaker at the Oklahoma State University Teaching Writing Conference.

    Well, tonight I really do have writer's block. I am not afraid of writing crap. I'm just struggling to think of anything to write about.

    I am, however, determined to show up and participate in the Slice of Life Story Challenge this month, even if that means writing about how I have nothing to write about.

    As my daughter and I sit in my office together. laptops on laps, feet propped up on my coffee table, she made mention of two mugs on the table. Both mugs have joy inscribed on them.

    T: I like how you have two mugs on your table and they both say joy.

    Me: I love the word joy, even though I don't have much in my life right now.

    So, maybe I don't actually have writer's block as much as I don't want to write from my current emotional state.


  1. You share a slice of this moment of time where you have nothing else to share except what is happening in your world which really is important. They word joy has been my OLW over the years and trust me, it is a word it embrace.

  2. You echo my feelings. I'm struggling to come up with topics for my writing this year. When I looked back over my past years' writing I realized it was because what I went through and am still going through.

  3. Thank you for naming this, friend. I am also having a hard time coming up with anything I think others would even be interested in reading. I'm sorry to hear what's affecting your writing :( I hope writing can serve as a space to work through it. You are loved. Yay to snowing up for the challenge!

  4. I'm impressed by how you write your way into a meaningful slice with this small moment of the two mugs that say joy. Not every time of life lends itself to writing, but I do believe we gain something valuable as we show up to our writing, even when it's the last thing we want to do.

  5. Im sending you some joy across the miles in the form of a reminder: One more day until you get to sleep for a week! :)
