Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Refreshed - SOLSC 2021


My 4:00 alarm goes off and lie in bed contemplating whether to get up or sleep in. I decide on an acceptable compromise and give myself 30 more minutes.

Outside, the severe weather has begun to roll in. The torrential rains have burst through the clouds making their presence heard from my vantage point.

The sound of pounding drops of rain is almost soothing, until rolls of thunder and flashes of lightning remind me of how dangerous severe weather can be.

But, I rise from the comfort and warmth of my bed anyhow determined to begin the day the way I envisioned the day before.

  • Bible Reading and Prayer
  • Wake Up and Write
  • Workout
As of this Slice, I have accomplished 2 out 3...progress not perfection, right? I still have time to workout, if I so choose, before we leave. Eh, we'll see.

But as storms have rolled through this morning, I'm reminded of the fresh start rain can bring to the earth; how rain washes away layers of stagnation so new can be brought forth.

I'm not sure if its the stormy weather, an adequate quality and quantity of sleep, or both; but today I feel longer stagnant but ready to take on whatever comes my way.
  • Oklahoma City
  • Backwards Poetry
  • Flash Fiction
I'm excited to see how they each turn out.


  1. 4 am! I love the way the rain can make us feel refreshed and the way you've described it is even better.

  2. 4 am?! Your power hour is really early. It gives you a good start of a day. The freshness after the storm adds extra spark.

  3. I love how you recount your morning sharing your thoughts and the tangible things going on around you. Wow! You rise early. I admire that. I also admire the refreshed feeling. I have not felt that way in the morning for a while. Thank you for sharing!

  4. I'm so happy you're relaxing! I'm trying to figure out how 4 AM also means you had an "adequate quality and quantity of sleep" LOL. You are so awesome; I want to be like you!
    I'm intrigued by what Backwards Poetry is?
