Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Time to Write - SOL 22


I am sitting in front of my computer screen with 10 other writers who are also sitting in front of their computer screens, and I am so tired and so hungry, I can  barely generate something (that I perceive as meaningful) to write about.

I write with some or all these people, as well as others who are not present tonight, at least 2-3 days per week. This time and space is sacred for many of us. It is a time and space designated for writing; for writing whatever one has deemed necessary to be written. Our writing includes picture books, novels, novellas, or scripts; poems, notebook pages, anytime pages, and even a Slice of Life (hint-hint). 

In this time and space, we sit together (yet apart) in community; silently supporting and encouraging one another's efforts to generate, revise, edit, and publish (although not necessarily in this linear manner).

Today, I almost allowed my emotions and being physically spent from the demands of my work time and space keep me from being present. But, in this sacred writing time and space, in front of these people, in front of our screens, I'm able to muster up just enough energy and brainpower to put my own words on the page. 



  1. Sometimes you just need the push of a group to get you going!

  2. I am so glad that you are a part of my Time to Write family! xoxo
