Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Look Up (Ghazal) - Day 23 - SOL 2022

Write. Share. Give 

I started writing poetry a year or two ago when I learned about Sarah J. Donovan's monthly Open Write invitation. I learned that I like having a process or structure for writing poetry. I'm not always successful, but I try most of the time. 

Today's process was the ghazal poem (pronounced guzzle). I almost gave up on this one. However, after finding inspiration from yesterday's Open Write invitation (Look Up), my muse showed up.


The struggle is real.
You are losing hope, but look up.

You’re fighting the good fight.
You get knocked down, gotta look up.

You are weary and weak.
You can barely stand, so look up.

You are not alone.
Just keep holding on and look up.

Where does your help come from?
The Lord – Oh please, look up!

1 comment:

  1. Donnetta, amen! I love the last lines. Psalm 121 coming to life in your poem.
