Monday, March 25, 2024

So Much More Rich - March 25 2024 - SOLSC24

I literally just left a Zoom event in which a group of teacher-writers journaled together to a prompt about how books have impacted our lives. If you are familiar with the book, Be Kind to Yourself by Cindy Bunch, then you may know the prompt.

I love to read, and I find joy in Middle Grade Novels. I also love to read professional development texts that provide clarification or new understanding about teaching.

As you can expect, no one writer responded the same as any other writer. But, there were many "me too" moments as we each shared.  One of the main takeaways for me from this evening's journaling experience is one's reading experience can be made so much more rich when it involves others.  I can say I feel the same about my experience journaling with my Teach Write peeps much more rich.


  1. The communal experience is truly enriching. The different perspectives sometimes grown from the variety of experiences makes for a kaleidoscope of beauty. Yes rich in our diversity, I agree.

  2. So true! It's always a pleasure and enlightening to gather with others around the texts of our choosing. No two reading experiences are the same even when reading the same book.
