Friday, March 29, 2024

Today - March 29 2024 - SOLSC24

It is 7:43PM CST, and I had the day off. I had all the best laid plans of sleeping in, but at my age, getting up to pee twice per night is standard. When I did finally get back into a deep sleep, my husband got up and went downstairs. You'd think having the entire bed to myself would ensure sweet dreams. NOPE! He didn't take his phone with him, and though it was on vibrate, the 1,000+ buzz-notifications from his golf buddies kinda made it hard to stay asleep.

So, what is one to do? Get up. Go do some cardio at the YMCA.
Ensure my in-laws ate a hardy breakfast which my husband prepped before he went to his guitar lesson.
Gather the tax documents my mother-in-law asked my husband for 2 weeks ago.
Send some emails and social media posts in preparation for a writing thing I'm partaking in this summer.
Eat Blaze new favorite.
Got get my in-laws food, because cooking just wasn't happening today.
Scroll social media while lying bed.
Get tired of lying in bed and remember that I had not written my slice for today.

Now, at 7:52, I am finishing this slice and wondering where the time went for my day off. I'm also rather impressed with myself. When I sat down to type this, I literally had no idea what I wanted to say. Turns out--I had quite a bit to say.

1 comment:

  1. Oh noooo. We gotta teach your hubby about Do Not Disturb. Sorry for the interrupted sleep, but it sounds like you had a pretty good day even if it wasn't as relaxing as you'd hoped. I hope your next day off is more restful.
