Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Emotional Damage - SOL - December 10, 2024

Today is one of those days in which I am seriously struggling. I can't seem to find JOY in my classroom as of late. Dysregulation and frustration are two words that can describe the atmosphere right now, and I am mentally and emotionally exhausted.

I'm trying my best to make it to Friday, December 20, at which time I will get an extended break and some much needed rest. But, I wonder if I need more than just a break and rest.

I keep thinking that maybe it's time for a change - grade level, school, district, career. Know that the grass isn't always greener on the other side, I sometimes wonder if it's just time for new grass?

I'm normally the upbeat and positive one on my campus, but lately it has been quite noticeable that I'm different. So much so, that a colleague from another grade level came to check on me this afternoon. I literally started crying while trying to explain how I was feeling. She had so much empathy, and really wanted to help me troubleshoot the issues I'm having. I appreciate her for that.

For the last few years, I have lived by the mantra that "I am education professional, and I can do hard things...well!" This is the first time in a long time in which I feel like I can't do hard things well. I honestly feel rather ill-equipped to manage the types of behaviors being exhibited throughout my day.

And, all of it makes me sad.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Thankful for Technology - SOL - Tuesday, December 3

I have a Sentence-A-Day journal that I use to write about things I am grateful and thankful for. I have not composed today's gratitude entry as of yet, but I will when I get home, and this what I will write.

 I am grateful for technology.

I'll explain why.

Picture it...Tuesday, December 3, 2024 in Arlington, Tx. a 2nd grade new students enters the classroom. He is a newcomer from Egypt and speaks ZERO English. Ok, not zero, because he can say, "No English" in English quite well.

Now, I know un poco Español; however, I know ZERO Arabic...yes, zero. 

But, enter technology.

Google Translate allowed my new student and I to communicate with very little misunderstandings much of the day.

To that I say, "Thank goodness for technology!"

Helpful Honda Days - March 2024 - SOLSC24

 Teacher Appreciation

North Texas Helpful Honda Dealers


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

I Know I'm Loud - April 9 24 - Tuesday SOL

Me: It's not raining. It's just cold.

Parker: I know. I heard you all the way down the hall.

Me: Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Parker: (Smiles as she walks to her car.)

Me: You can be honest. I am fully aware that I am loud. (Yelling toward Parker as she walks to her car.)

Sunday, March 31, 2024

So, Here I Am - March 31 2024 - SOLSC24

So, here I am - 
the last day of March.
The final day of Slicing,
but not the last day of writing.

So, here I be - 
closing the door 
as one endeavor ends.
Open to the challenge as another begins.

So, here I go - 
celebrating this accomplishment.
Recounted slivers of my living story;
Excited to plunge into poetry.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

5-4-3-2-1 Remixed - March 30 2024 - SOLSC24

I have always enjoyed using the 5-4-3-2-1 reflection prompts in my notebook. The prompts help me process the events of my week in conjunction with my feelings/emotions.

The prompts I normally use are - 

5 Things That Made Me Smile
4 Words That Describe The Week
3 Weekend Plans
2 Things I Learned
1 Goal For The Week Ahead

Recently, Leigh Anne Eck, who in my opinion is like a silo of brilliant ideas, mentioned learning about a remixed 5-4-3-2-1 reflection which she sliced about on March 29. 

I decided to give them a try myself. I feel like the new prompts helped me focus on the positive even though some of my week's happenings may not have been very positive.

5 Things I'm Grateful For
1. Jesus 
2. Books 
3. Notebooks 
4. Writing 
5. Teach Write 
4 Things On My Mind
1. Why I often feel down/low energy
2. Can I make Isagenix work for me? 
3. What do I need for me?
4. I'm tired. 
3 Things To Do Tomorrow
1. Host Time To Write
2. Serve at Crossroads Christian Church's Easter Egg Hunt
3. Meal Prep
2 Things I Want Less Of
1. Drama 
2. Hot Flashes
1 Thing For Next Week
1. Thrive!! Oh, and race packet pickup.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Today - March 29 2024 - SOLSC24

It is 7:43PM CST, and I had the day off. I had all the best laid plans of sleeping in, but at my age, getting up to pee twice per night is standard. When I did finally get back into a deep sleep, my husband got up and went downstairs. You'd think having the entire bed to myself would ensure sweet dreams. NOPE! He didn't take his phone with him, and though it was on vibrate, the 1,000+ buzz-notifications from his golf buddies kinda made it hard to stay asleep.

So, what is one to do? Get up. Go do some cardio at the YMCA.
Ensure my in-laws ate a hardy breakfast which my husband prepped before he went to his guitar lesson.
Gather the tax documents my mother-in-law asked my husband for 2 weeks ago.
Send some emails and social media posts in preparation for a writing thing I'm partaking in this summer.
Eat Blaze Pizza...my new favorite.
Got get my in-laws food, because cooking just wasn't happening today.
Scroll social media while lying bed.
Get tired of lying in bed and remember that I had not written my slice for today.

Now, at 7:52, I am finishing this slice and wondering where the time went for my day off. I'm also rather impressed with myself. When I sat down to type this, I literally had no idea what I wanted to say. Turns out--I had quite a bit to say.