Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Trees - March 12 2024 - SOLSC24


I can't quite explain my fascination with trees, but I have one. I don't claim to be a "nature person", but for some reason, when I make the effort to pay attention to the nature around me, I tend to focus on trees.

On my way in to work last week, I noticed how bare this tree still is compared to other trees on our campus. It reminded me that there's still a bit of Winter left in these parts.

Not more that 10 feet away from the barren tree stands this beauty. As you can see, it has already begun to flower. I have no idea what kind of tree this is, but I was drawn to its beautiful color. 

These trees beautify much of the front of our campus. I snapped a picture of them, as they seem to be heralding the coming of Spring.


  1. I love trees too. I think the pink tree is a red bud. They're flowering here in California right now. It's funny how one tree can be in full flowering bloom and another tree nearby still has bare limbs. Good eye. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Donnetta, so beautiful. Thanks for sharing the images. I hope the first one is just a late bloomer, and that there isn't any problem. I love so much a tree full of blossoms like these.
